

Holistic Wellness

Holistic Nutrition Consultation

Weight Management

Stress Reduction

Medical Marijuana Education and Certification

Alzheimer’s Dementia prevention

Digestive health

Diabetes control and avoidance

Musculoskeletal mobility and strength


To Book Appointment: Text us at (561) 336-4328  your holistic consult topic of interest and preferred appointment date/times.

These services are direct pay, not covered by insurance or Medicare.  New client holistic consult $155, follow up $75-100, based on complexity.


Holistic Preventive Wellness to assist patients further in preventing life-threatening and debilitating diseases and recurrences.

Many common health problems–heart disease, cancer, serious fall and fracture injuries, stroke, Alzheimer’s dementia, kidney disease, Diabetes–are potentially preventable or controllable, before they reach the life-threatening or disabling stages.  Our Holistic practice takes a natural more in depth Holistic Wellness and Lifestyle medicine approach for prevention and optimal health, in order to avoid disease. This integrative medicine approach is successful and recognized worldwide.

Our Holistic Preventive Medicine approach focuses on natural healing methods, to the extent that it is medically sound and safe. We listen to your concerns and interests and tailor our treatment plan to meet your specific goals. We evaluate current medications, nutrients and diet, medical health history, health practices and lifestyle. We use scientific evidence-based data and over 25 years of clinical medicine experience to educate individuals, on a one-on-one basis, on beneficial health practices and maximal risk reduction. We instruct the patient, step by step, in simple, achievable therapeutic lifestyle practices. We assist with medical evaluation for medication reduction, when it is safe and beneficial. Many individuals with a known past history of an illness, or a high risk for illness, can benefit from ongoing medical therapy. We provide education to assist individuals with learning about their specific health risks and benefits.

Etter fødsel kan forholdet ditt til en partner endres på grunn av kombinasjonen av flere faktorer. Og selvfølgelig må fysisk nærhet gjenopprettes, for minst en måned var det ingenting mellom deg. Det er ikke nødvendig å starte umiddelbart normalt sex: Du kan lage hverandre med hendene og munnen, samt utnytte sexleketøy. Finn ut hvordan du vil reagere på stimulering av forskjellige deler av kroppen, prøv nærheten til partneren.