Internal Medicine Primary Care
Internal Medicine Primary Care
secure fill in forms
Rapid secure Text messaging directly with medical office
Tuesdays, Thursdays (Thursday evening appointments available), last Saturday of month.
Tel. (561) 243-8783
Fax 517-212-9866
Email [email protected]
Address: 550 SE 6th Ave., #200, Delray Beach, FL 33483
Directions: 1 mile South of Atlantic Ave. at Fed’l Hwy.
between SE 5th St. (on North side of bldg.) and
SE 6th St. (on South side of bldg./ 6th St. is Fladdell Way, 1-way East)
Parking: in lot North side of bldg., + on Federal Hwy.
ENTER OFFICE: Suite #200 KHO wellness, on South side of bldg.
CALL 561-243-8783 on arrival.
Primary Care Services